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shoots bag | Pepuplife GmbH

Shoots instruction

Grow the shoots yourself: Simple & easy!


  1. Place the shoots bag in a vessel and fill with water (approx. 20 degrees).
  2. Let the bag stand in the water for about 8 to 10 hours.
  3. Empty the water and drip the shoots bag well.
  4. Let the shoots bag stand in a vessel for two to three days at room temperature and rinse with fresh water at least once a day.
  5. After about two to three days, harvest and wash well before eating (like salad). Ready!
  6. Place the bag in an empty vessel for 2-3 days.

Everything you need to know about shoots

Living and
real food

Shoots are growing vegetables. The seedlings keep forming new cells for the growth of the plant. Shoots are therefore really living food and thus the only true viands. This living energy of the young, rapidly growing plants we take in when eating the shoots. Indeed, there is often mention of a rejuvenating effect of the shoots.

Fesh vegetables
for every season

In only two to four days, shoots ripen to become a whole vegetable; and they do so during any season without long transport routes and without the use of chemicals or machines. Furthermore, shoots can be grown easily at home by anyone: without much effort and without needing much space. They only need a bowl, water, air, light (but no direct sunlight!) and room temperature (optimally between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius).

Richness in nutrients
of the young plant

Water brings the corn to life and triggers a massive growth process. The substances stored in the corn are released and converted. Carbohydrates, protein and fats are split into their basic components in order to create a new cell tissue. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements and secondary vegetable substances are created rapidly and partly newly in large quantities.

In this form, the valuable energy carriers and nutrients can be utilised optimally for the digestion. In addition, the activated enzymes support the human digestion and go easy on the own enzyme storage. The large proportion of fibres keeps the digestive tract in motion and also boosts health.