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From corn to vegetable


The proper oomph for a balanced diet!

Conscious diet

Shoots and vegetables are real nutrient bombs for any season, full of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and lively energy.

Living healthily

Be it at home or in the office, at school or on holiday, on a sailing trip or trekking tour – PepUpLife shoots make it possible anywhere: enjoy healthy food in an easy and simple manner!

Valuable germination process

During germination, the nutrients saved are activated and huge cell creation begins. The vitamin and mineral nutrients content jumps rapidly and the energy of the shoot can be used optimally for our digestion.

Growing Shoots

has never been

home-schn1 easier! home-schn2

For at home and everywhere.

The PepUpLife organic mix of shoots in a sieve beaker or shoots bag is the innovation in the shoots sector. It has never been so easy and convenient to have fresh vegetables and whole food available at any time and anywhere.